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Guest Pass

Everything there is to know about Guest Pass and using it to share your event with others.

Written by Ankita Rai
Updated over 4 years ago

Guest Pass is a great way to share your event's rundowns, schedules, and lists with stakeholders who might not necessarily need their own Shoflo account.  This can include clients, vendors, or the community who you want to keep in the know, but don't necessarily want inside of your rundown.

Each guest pass link is a URL pointing to a special read-only version of your files.  A guest pass will not have tracking or any real time edits, but each refresh will fetch the latest version.

How to get an event guest pass landing page

Rather than sending out 10 links to 10 different guest passes, you can generate a single guest pass landing page URL for your Event that contains clickable links to all active guest passes in that event.

  1. On your event dashboard, click on the share button next to the Event name

  2. In the event guest pass modal, you can grab the URL and/or set guest pass access on a per-file basis for any Rundowns, Schedules, or Lists.

  3. This URL will send people to the Event's Guest Page.

In the event guest pass modal, you can grab the URL and/or set guest pass access on a per-rundown basis

We’ll pass through your event name and event photo to your landing page for simple, beautiful event branding.

Now you can take the URL you copied and send it to everyone! It’ll remain active and available for the duration of the event.

How to enable guest pass from within a rundown

  1. From inside your rundown, click on the download icon in the upper right and then on Guest Pass.  Note:  This is only available to Admin & Show Caller level users.

  2. If it isn't already enabled, make sure the toggle switch to the right of "Guest Pass" is toggled to green.  Note:  Enable/disable is on a per-rundown basis.

  3. In the box, you can either copy the guest pass URL to send to others, or open the the guest pass in a new tab to take a look at it.

  4. This guest pass will remain active as long as the event is active.

How to set your guest pass column order and visibility

You can control which columns are passed through to the guest pass and the order they're laid out.

  1. In the guest pass modal, click on "Set Visible Columns."

  2. To show or hide a column in the guest pass, click on its respective toggle switch.  Green=on, off=white.

  3. To change where a column is, click on the up or down arrow to move the column left/right.

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