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Shoflo Event Filters

How to filter events by label and by event owner.

Written by Ankita Rai
Updated over 7 years ago

In Shoflo you can filter your events by their label or by their owner. This is fantastic for production companies running dozens of events at a time and need a quick way to filter them down.

You can filter for events from either your home user dashboard or from your team dashboard. To filter an event by labels, click the dropdown arrow next to the “Labels” in the main part of your dashboard, and then select the label you want to filter by. Likewise, to filter by a particular owner, click the dropdown arrow next to Owners and click on the owner you want to filter by. To clear a filter, click their respective dropdown and either click the “X” next to each filter item to remove them one-by-one, or use the Clear All button to remove all filters.

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